Friday, February 28, 2020

Learning Experience Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Learning Experience Plan - Essay Example In my case, I needed an experience from operating in a nursing home. From the course I have the goal to achieve as much information and expertise as possible and create in myself a good nurse instructor. This learning experience will provide me the opportunity to apply my scholarly experience in a professional environment. My mentor gave me an overall goal of knowing how to relate to both my students and patients. Apart from this learning experience I have a future goal of operating in a renowned nursing educating institution. This goal will be given more professional support by the expertise I will gain from the learning experience. I will also aim to acquire the required skills and create a generation of skilled nurses from my class. At the end of 16 to 24 hours learning experience I will be able to acquire efficient tutoring schools from my instructor. As a nursing educator student I will be required to learn more than just acquiring medical information. I will be needed to acquir e tactics and skills to deliver lectures to student. At the end of the 16 to 24 hours learning experience I will be able to know more about the learning objectives in question. In my case, I chose ventilation pneumonia and congestive heart failure. I will be able to have the required medication and nursing tips when it comes to deal with patients diagnosed with the illnesses. An interview with my instructor pointed out my expectation from scholarships and teaching. From the scholarship expectations, I will be required to have acquired skills to enhance my career as nursing educator. To ensure I have attained these skills, I will be given a couple to tutoring classes to test my expertise and skills. Scholarships required a mandatory adherence to the 16 to 24 hours learning schedule which must be translated in writing. For the teaching and service expectations, the instructor pointed out that I had to provide educational roles to other learners in the facility. This will not only enha nce the learning skills in the nursing home but will also sharpen my skills as an educator. My instructor also had to relate the works of their nursing staff to our learning experience. Objectives for core measures protocol for congestive heart failure In this learning experience, I had to get the information to pass to my students on how to tackle this disease. Congestive heart failure is a chronic disease characterized by lapses in the normal heartbeat of humans (Ellen, Cecile & Martin, 2009). Older people have a high probability of contacting the disease. The weight of the patients also matter when it comes to detecting the symptoms. According to Nursing Skills (2012) keeping track of heartbeats of patients with the risk of having congestive heart failure help in the life saving life process since it keeps medics ready for any attack. For this learning outcome the objectives were based on the ability to suppress the effects of the disease and how to cater for patients with the di sease. For the medication, I had to learn how to interpret the ace inhibitors, diet, echo, diuretics and the beta blockers. The interpretation of these results is the main objectives and expectations for a nurse educator (Leslie, 2011). Objectives for evidence based practices for ventilator acquired pneumonia Ventilation acquired pneumonia is a respiratory disease associated with effects on the lungs. The disease causes effect on ones breathing

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

You choose it Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

You choose it - Essay Example Also, considering the intensity of the issue, it is also important to take a look at the perspective of drug traders. Drug trade is often connected with poor economic conditions, drug-related violence, and other crimes. The government has generally taken an anti-drugs stance enforcing prohibitive laws that aim to reduce drug trade. Over the years, many advocates of illicit drugs such as marijuana legalization pressure groups have sprung up. Hence, the issue is of legislative importance too which sparks the revision of what constitutes as an illicit drug, the recreational and medical uses of such drugs and what is drug abuse. To start, underground drug trade is illegal and most of this trade occurs as illicit drugs are smuggled across borders. Being illegal, drug trade generates huge amounts of black money which is kept undocumented. As a result, no tax payment occurs as the undocumented money crosses borders (Duyne and Levi, 2005). This ultimately means that less tax revenue is generated by the government leading to lesser budget allocation for developmental expenditure in turn affecting the financing of mega civil projects that come under the domain of civil engineers. Less infrastructural activities are conducted by the government causing fewer job opportunities to be created. However, this is one aspect which economically concerns the domain of civil engineering. In recent years, drug mafias have become highly organized in their operations adopting sophisticated channels to transport the illicit drugs. As such, the drug trade, flourishing throughout the world, has created various issues involving law enforcement authorities as well as civil engineers. Gatti (2014) notes the role of civil engineers in providing the technical and operational expertise in helping the authorities to counter drug trade. In the specific article, civil engineers are involved in an organized effort to demolish drug trade-related